Edited by Dadelsen, Georg von (znaleziono ozycji)
Bach: Inventions and Sinfonias (BA5150) Klawesyn Bach: Inventions and Sinfonias (BA5241) Keyboard Bach: Inventions and Sinfonias (NBA) V/3 (BA5035-01) Klawesyn Bach: Inventions and Sinfonias (NBA) V/3 (BA5035-41) Klawesyn Bach: J.S.Bach, Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach (BA5242) Fortepian Bach: J.S.Bach,Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach (BA5164) Klawesyn Bach: Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach (BA5115) Fortepian Bach: Schemelli Song Book 1736 and six lieder from the Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach 1725 (BA888) Bach: The Notebooks of Anna Magdalena Bach 1722 and 1725 (NBA) V/4 (BA5008-01) Klawesyn Bach: Works for Keyboard (NBA) V/4 (BA5008-41) Klawesyn Klavierbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach (1725) II/25 (BVK915)