Preis: $16.30 (exkl. MWSt.)
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The King's Speech

14 tracks from the original motion picture soundtrack

Besetzung: Klavier
Gattung: Film, Musical, Operetta
Anzahl der Seiten: 56 Seiten
Gewicht: 0.21 kg
Verlag: Music Sales
Artikelnummer: AM1003244

The King's Speech, starring Colin Firth, has won both public and critical acclaim for its enchanting story of an unlikely King's ascension to the throne, and the unorthodox speech therapist who helped theKingfind his voice. Alexandre Desplat's soundtrack perfectly complements the events portrayed in the film and the emotional journey of George VI, going so far as to use the original Royal microphones in theorchestralrecording. Capturing both the resplendent grandeur of the King's royal duties, and the somber mood that featured both in his struggle with a speech impediment and the looming threat of war.

This album features allfourteensongs from the film soundtrack, including the emotionally complex theme which mixes a light-hearted feel with an equally tangible sense of melancholy. Also featuring arrangements of classics from Mozart and Beethoven,thiscollection is perfect not only for fans of the film, but also for those who simply love great music.


Epilogue (Piano Concerto No.5 Movement Ii)
Fear And Suspicion
King George Vi
Lionel And Bertie
Memories Of Childhood
My Kingdom, My Rules
Queen Elizabeth
Speaking Unto Nations (Symphony No.7 Movement Ii)
The King Is Dead
The King's Speech
The Logue Method (The Marriage Of Figaro/Clarinet Concerto, Movement I)
The Rehearsal
The Royal Household
The Threat Of War
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